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Ground Blinds

Ground Blinds

4’ x 5’ Ground Blinds
Retail $1,885 / Discount $1,385

5’6″ x 5’6″ Ground Blinds
Retail $2,885 / Discount $1,885

7’ x 7’ Ground Blinds
Retail $3,285 / Discount $2,285


12″ & 16″ High Windows

2′ x 6″ Door

Corner shelves

Carpet on the Floor

Rubber Roof


24″ High Window – $150

4′ x 5′ Alum. Roof – $75

5’6″ x 5’6″ Alum. Roof – $180

7′ x 7′ Alum. Roof – $225

Ground Blind Installation

Anytime you are installing a ground blind the most important thing of the whole operation is to make sure your floor is level (this is VERY important).  The first wall you want to set is your back wall.  On every blind the back wall and door wall are both the same size.  These walls weigh about 25 lbs a piece.

Next, set one of the side walls.  You will put 2 screws in the corners and 2 screws on the floor.  The blinds to choose from are 4’x4′, 4’x5′, 5’x5′, 5-1/2’x5-1/2′, 6’x6′ and 7’x7′ .  The heaviest section is the roof which weighs approximately 50 lbs. Blind comes with rubber roof or we offer an aluminum roof with 75-year Warranty which would be replaced free in every situation.

It is easier to set the back and side walls then put the roof on top of the walls temporarily.  Next set the other 2 walls (these walls weigh approximately 25 lbs each).  Then put the roof in place and screw it down. Once the roof is secured, then install the corner shelves.  If you purchased the Shooting Table, Curtains or Venetian blinds, install them after you put in your windows. 

The Shooting Table is 12″ and folds down out of your way when not in use.  When you install the arm that holds up your table, hold the chrome button under your windowsill and then screw hinges fast. When it folds away your chrome button should be tight up under the windowsill. You can turn the button up higher to make your table level.  What is nice about a shooting table level.  What is nice about a shooting table is you can use the sandbags for your gun or crossbow to shoot long distances.

Install your corner posts, 6 screws in your posts is sufficient.  The last thing to be installed are your windows. your windows will come with a paper coating you will have to remove.  Then you install your pull buttons on the windows.  The blinds come with 16″ high windows.